According to the above opinion piece in the Daily Herald Newspaper,
the "pizza slice" plan may not benefit Utah County despite the fact
Utah county lawmakers are poised to vote for it.
"Never mind that this play would water down Utah County's clout in Washington, without any compensating benefits. And never mind that these lawmakers are supposed to represent their local constituents."
. . . . ."Note that a district comprising Utah County and a few other small chunks would focus a U.S. representative's attention squarely on this valley. You'd think that area lawmakers would naturally favor the idea.
But no. Rep. Ken Sumsion, R-American Fork, the House chair for the committee, and Rep. Francis Gibson, R-Mapleton, are favoring the pizza slice plan.
"I would like our congressional delegation unified in representing all the interests of Utah," Sumsion says. Defenders of the slice idea say it would force members of Congress to pay attention to rural areas in the four districts, since each slice would include some rural zones." Daily Herald Opinion Posted: Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:03 am.
In 1990 when I campaigned for candidates for the 3rd congressional district race,
it was possible to win without any votes outside Utah County. Sadly, the 1991 and 2001
redistricting diminished Utah County's voice in Washington D.C, and 2011 appears to
make the strongest conservative voice in the country more weak than it currently is.