Friday, January 21, 2011

Salt Lake Tribune Poll: Utah Compact Divides Mormons

The Salt Lake Tribune has published their first survey story on their poll conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research.  The survey question was about the Utah Compact.  They briefly explained the Utah Compact in the survey and also noted that the LDS Church is among supporters of the compact. 

48% of LDS members support the Utah Compact, and 39% oppose it, which was about identical to all survey results of 49% in favor with 39% against.  What percent of LDS voters were called to get these survey numbers?  Does this mean LDS members were a majority or minority of the 625 people surveyed?

I would also like to point out that registered voters in Utah County would probably give different answers than registered voters in Salt Lake County. 
The poll was conducted with 625 registered Utah voters who were interviewed by telephone, January 17 through the 19, 2011 .  The margin of error is plus or minus four percentage points.
This answers my earlier questions, they called  “only registered voters.” 
Note: there are three registered voters with my home telephone number, so calling my number increased their chances of getting a registered voter.

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