Photo by Keri Witte: Mike Terry speaking at Central Committee Meeting at Orem High.
Bonnie Marrow was appointed Vice Chair to replace Adrielle
Herring who was
elected to serve a 2 year term at the convention in April. Adrielle is working on a
Campaign for the 2012 convention. (Elected party officers must remain
neutral and cannot work on campaigns)
Bonnie Marrow ran for Provo City Council in 2011 and Marion
Monahan past
Utah County Republican Party Chair was her campaign manager.
The elected officials and the automatic Central Committee
successfully filibustered, flexing their muscle in control
of the
Utah County Republican Party, for the entire length of the CC meeting so
no votes could be taken, except to approve the appointment of the
new Vice Chair.
Automatic Delegates
Confuse Chairs and Vice Chairs
The first move by the ex-officios to ensure there would be
no votes
at the CC meeting was an e-mail from the following that
listed the wrong
date and place of the Central Committee Meeting.
A correction was sent later, but the correction was NOT sent
to all CC
members. ( I never
saw the correction. It was not e-mailed
to me and no
one forwarded it to me either)
Tonks, Chair LD 27 Automatic State
and County Delegate
Becky Pirente, Chair LD 56
Automatic State and County Delegate
Erin Madsen, Vice-Chair LD
56 Automatic State and County Delegate
Hayden Williamson,
Education Officer LD56 Automatic State and County Delegate
Brian Halladay, Chair LD
57 Automatic State and County Delegate
Beau Sorensen, Chair LD 59
NO LONGER a district chair nor a current member of the Committee
Matt Thompson, Chair LD 61
Automatic State and County Delegate
Marian Monnahan, Chair LD
62 Automatic State and County Delegate (Holds two automatic county delegate
seats - one life time)
Don Garlitz, Chair LD 64 Automatic
State and County Delegate
Stan Lockhart, Education
Officer LD 64 Automatic State and County Delegate (Holds two
automatic county delegate seats - one life time)
Don Larsen, Chair LD 65 Automatic
State and County Delegate
Chad Bunn, Chair LD 66 Automatic
State and County Delegate
The second move to stop the delegate allocation vote was the
credentialing lists.
1. The lists that were
printed for credentialing were not current and did not contain the names of the
Vice Chairs, but instead had the names of the precinct secretaries who are NOT
on the Central Committee.
2. There were
NO name tags or wrist bands or any method of determining who had signed their
name on the bottom of the incorrect Leg list.
Anyone who arrived at the location could go in and sit down and vote as
a Central Committee member.
3. They counted
chairs and vice chairs in the auditorium (that would be everyone who stood up
and said they were a chair and vice chair. ) They didn’t announce from the
podium the total number of people who signed in, so there could be a comparison between the actual number of people
who signed the rolls and the total number of votes on each filibustered
4. Ballots were passed out to everyone in attendance, so they could vote on delegate allocation, whether they were central committee members or not.
4. Ballots were passed out to everyone in attendance, so they could vote on delegate allocation, whether they were central committee members or not.
5. There were
approximately 180 votes being cast and there are about 550 Central Committee
members. Where were the other over 350
Central Committee members?
The Ex-officio
Central Committee Members prevented voting
In the end the powerful elected officials and other
automatic delegates prevented the chairs and vice chairs from having a vote on
the allocation of state delegates in Utah County.
Who really controls
the Utah County Republican Party?
Do the majority of
the chairs and vice chairs want to waste their
time at Central Committee
Meetings that don’t conduct business or hold
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