Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lt. Governor's NEW District Maps- Take effect January 1, 2012

You can type in your address and draw up your new redistricted Congressional, Senate, House and School Board Seats.  New Precincts will not be available until February.

Note the map disclaimer found on the above site.

Please note: Maps are subject to change.

S.B 3005, passed during the 2011 3rd Special Session, grants limited authority, until January 31, 2012, to the lieutenant governor to determine the district to which a residence is assigned if the lieutenant governor determines that the residence is within more than one district. Determinations made by the lieutenant governor may effect the boundary representations on this website. For more information please contact the Lieutenant Governor’s Office at (800) 995-VOTE or
Changes to voting precincts are the authority of the county clerk. Whenever the boundaries of any voting precinct are changed, or a new voting precinct is created, the county clerk shall submit a voting precinct map identifying the boundaries of each voting precinct within the county to the lieutenant governor and to the Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC) for review. The precinct and address information are correct according to data that has been evaluated by the lieutenant governor and AGRC. Pending or proposed changes are not reflected on this website. See Utah Annotated Code 67-1a-2.2 and 36-1-103.2.

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