Friday, April 22, 2011

Candidates for GOP Party Officers charged $50.00 for convention tables

All candidates running for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the Utah County Party have to PAY $50.00 to the Party to get a convention table so they can talk to delegates. (State Central Committee Candidates have to pay the same fee)

These candidates have donated their time and money to SERVE in these volunteer positions and are not  PAID any money by the party at all.  They are not given any money to make literature, or any other campaign related expenses.

I think it is time the leaders of the Utah County Republican Party get the respect they
deserve for their LONG hours of dedicated service to the Republican Party.  They
spend countless hours working for Republican Candidates, raising money to give to
Republican Candidates and I think the party should  provide a convention table
for them free.

If you agree with me, please encourage the Utah County Republican Party to refund
this money collected from the STRONGEST volunteers the Utah County Party has.

(You could also send a donation to the candidates of your choice to help them cover their
campaign expenses)

Thanks to all candidates who are running for Utah County Republican offices in 2011!

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