Saturday, April 21, 2012

Convention ended at 8:08 P.M.

As voting started at 7:30 a.m., the 2012 convention was over 12 1/2 hours in total voting
time.  By 6:30 p.m. only 70.8% of the state delegates credentialed were left to vote.
There is no minimum number for a quorum for voting, and each candidate must
get 60% of the total votes cast.

In the case of National Committeewoman she only needs to get 50% of the votes cast.

Vote count for Utah GOP National Committeewoman. 2777 total delegate votes cast.
Enid Mickelsen – 1605 votes, 57.8 percent
Rebecca Monson – 380 votes, 13.68 percent
Nancy Lord – 792, 28.52 percent

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