Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Orem Council Voted 4-1 to borrow money from reserves to start the remodel on the swimming pool and locker rooms now.

I just talked to the Orem City Recorder.  Karen McCandless and Mary Street were not
in attendance at last night's city council meeting.

Orem Council members and Mayor voted 4-1 to accept the following proposal
submitted by the Orem Recreation Advisory Committee, which borrows
money from reserves in the General Fund in order to start remodeling the
swimming pool at the Recreation Center right now.

"The current $3 million in funding will obviously not cover the entire 
proposed cost estimates.  The project cost estimates include future funds
in 2013 (full year) and 2014 (nine months).  In order to start the remodel
project at this time, money can be loaned from reserves in the Recreation and
the General Fund and repaid by Future CARE funds."

Council member Hans Anderson voted against it.
Hans Anderson voted against the proposal because the amount of money to remodel
the existing swimming pool and locker rooms is one million dollars short and borrows
money from reserves in both the Recreation and the General Fund.  Anderson
feels it would be better NOT to spend money in advance of receipt in the current

The Care Tax Revenues are $1.4 million to $1.8 million per year depending on
tax revenues.  $3 million has been allocated to buy sports fields, but would now be used
on the Recreation Center.

There was no discussion of the fact that the Care Tax revenues needs to be spent
and or allocated in the 8 year period all the money is collected which ends
in 2014 or the money not spent goes back to the state.

Note:  I have talked to the city recorder, a council member and a member of
the Parks and Recreation Committee and will update this post with the minutes
when they become available.

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